Saturday, February 15, 2014

some time coming.

Since my last post:

(1) I fabricated a large wall hanging sculpture in December.

(2) I began a painting course in January - I'm pretty rusty with the brush.

(3) Lately, I've been making maquettes and writing a proposal for an outdoor sculpture at UNC-CH. It's been submitted, so now I'm waiting to hear what the art gods decide.

The numbers above the images below correspond to the particular project above.




(This next image is a second maquette for the large sculpture, still in process.)

And last but not least, I had the privilege of visiting the Isamu Noguchi Museum in Queens, NY last weekend. This is of my favorite human-made spaces, not to mention Noguchi's work. If you find yourself in New York City, I highly recommend going there - but preferably in the spring. The following is one of the many photos from my visit.

Thanks for coming by.